#16c Casie Shilling

Driver Information

Full_Name:: Casie Shilling 

Car_Number: 16c 

How did you decide on this car number:: Just my favorite number 

City:: Knoxville 

Birthday:: 5-8-90 

Hobbies:: Racing 

E-Mail address:: cassandrashilling@gmail.com 

Family:: Dad, Mom, brother (Tony), two sisters (Cari and Caitlyn) all racers :) 

Job:: Hairdresser 

Tracks you plan to race in 2009:: Knoxville Raceway 

Years in racing:: 7 years 

Class you have raced:: Go karts, 125cc outlaw dirt kart, 500cc outlaw dirt kart, 600cc micro sprint, 410 sprint car 

Racing Hero:: Steve Kinser 

Best part of racing:: The competition, and beating the guys  

Worst part of racing:: Guys do not like to get beat by girls 

Year/Make/Model of car:: Right now I have a honda 500cc, QRC frame and a 410 maxim frame 

Car Owner:: Dad and Mom 

Crew Chief:: Dad 

Crew:: Dad, Seth, Chris, Mom, Freddy 

Sponsors:: Shilling Excavating 

Awards and Accomplishments:: 500cc outlaw karts (2nd place pts, and rookie of the year) 2nd place finish at the nationals, 600cc micro 2nd place in pts.

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thank you for all the support, and cheering me on for being a girl :)