#52 Rick Barlow Jr.

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Rick Barlow Jr.

Car_Number: 52

How did you decide on this car number:: Grandpa was 13 Dad was 26 Im 52

City:: Montrose IA

Birthday:: 11-28-1983

Height:: 5'7

Hobbies:: Racin', fishing, wrenchin'

Web Site if you have one:: none

Favorite Food:: Any

Family:: A younger sister and brother, wife val, and two kids brooklynn and elaina

Employer:: Great River Regional Waste Authourity

Job:: Operator 1

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Sportmod

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Lee county, Memphis

Years in racing:: 2 years, been around it all my life

Class you have raced:: wild things, hobby stock, sportmod

Racing Hero:: my grandfather, The professor

Best part of racing:: Winning

Worst part of racing:: Getting tore up

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: Working on customers vehicles

How did you get your start in racing:: My wife bought me my first race car

Year/Make/Model of car:: 2000 FR-1

Car Owner:: Rick Barlow Jr.

Crew Chief:: Rick Sr.

Crew:: Dad, uncle steve, Lugnut Schulte

Sponsors:: The entire 3B race crew, Barlows Garage and Grafix, Tims Machine shop, Resource video consultants

Awards and Accomplishments:: 2009 4th in points lee county

Racing Goals:: 2010 Track champion, several feature wins

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thanks for all your support and come out to the races to root for that Flyin'52!!!