#17t Tyler Groenendyk 

Driver Information

Full_Name:: Tyler Groenendyk 

Car_Number: 17T

How did you decide on this car number:: Just like 17 and the T for Tyler 

City:: Oskaloosa, IA 

Birthday:: May 26, 1989 

Height:: 5'10" 

Hobbies:: Racing Racing Racing! 

E-Mail address:: tykawracin@hotmail.com 

Web Site if you have one:: workin on it right now... 

Favorite Food:: Pizza 

Family:: Sister: Kayla Brother: Brandon 

Employer:: Groenendyk Farms 

Job:: Farmer 

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: B-Modified 

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Osky, Bloomfield, Memphis, Allison, Deer Creek, Marshalltown 

Years in racing:: 6 

Class you have raced:: Just the B-Modified 

Best part of racing:: the rewarding feeling winning gives you 

Worst part of racing:: a wrecked racecar 

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: wishing i was racing 

How did you get your start in racing:: My dad started me in go-karts at age 6 

Year/Make/Model of car:: 03 Skyrocket 

Car Owner:: Tyler Groenendyk 

Crew Chief:: Brandon Groenendyk 

Crew:: Mitchel Veenstra and Matt Mahaffey 

Sponsors:: JC's Speedshop, EagleOne Safety Sollutions, Renze seed, ThreeSixy Realistate, Pro-Line Bldgs, PellaMotors.com, MCG, tricktooks.com, Vanderbeek Truck Accessories, Stream Trucking, MiRanchito Mexican Resteraunt, CKH&O Farms, Fas-Break windsheild repair, Seeley Photography 

Awards and Accomplishments:: 2009 Southern Iowa Speedway Track Champion 

Racing Goals:: Win a National Championship 

What would you like to say to your fans:: I want to thank everyone of my fans who supports our team and makes it possible for me to be living my dream in racing! There are so many people behind the scenses of my raceteam that help make what we do suscessful! I can't even begin to list the people who have contributed in some way, shape or form! I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has helped, even to those of you who just support racing by buying admission tickets! Without you guys my dream wouldn't be possible! Hope to see you at the races, always feel free to stop by the trailor!