#09 Billy Tournear

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Billy Tournear

Car_Number: 09

How did you decide on this car number:: This was the number on the go kart that I won last season and now I am sticking with it.

City:: Quincy, IL

Birthday:: 12-13-1982

Height:: 6'3"

Hobbies:: Racing, Bowling, Golf, Softball

E-Mail address:: emtracer20@comcast.net

Favorite Food:: Steak and Shrimp

Family:: Wife-Nicolle Son-Dalton

Employer:: Adams County Ambulance Service

Job:: EMT-B

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Stock Medium and Stock Heavy

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Shimek, Newton, Lee County and Springfield Indoors

Years in racing:: 19th year

Class you have raced:: Go Karts and Mini Sprints

Racing Hero:: Tony Stewart

Best part of racing:: Running up front week in and week out

Worst part of racing:: Getting wrecked by people that don't use their heads

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: I really don't know

How did you get your start in racing:: Dad started me

Year/Make/Model of car:: 2009 Avenger Bandit

Car Owner:: Billy Tournear

Crew Chief:: AJ and Tony Gaylord

Crew:: Dad, Mom, AJ, Tiffany, Josh, Tony and Ryan

Sponsors:: Blazen Kart Supply, 4Q Signs and Graphics, Top To Bottom Detail Shop and Mom and Dad