#70c Casey Taylor

Driver Information

Car_Number: 70c

How did you decide on this car number:: My Dad's Number He Runs Kart 70

City:: Keokuk, Iowa

Birthday:: 8/1/97

Height:: 5'0

Hobbies:: Racing Basketball, Baseball and Football

E-Mail address:: taylor7488@msn.com

Favorite Food:: Dad's Steak , Meatballs and pizza

Family:: Mom Brenda Dad Ron, Brother Ronnie, sister Brandy and Taylor Joe

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Junior 1

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Shimek, Show-Me and Lee County Fair

Years in racing:: 2 years

Class you have raced:: Gokarts

Racing Hero:: Steve and Mark Kinser

Best part of racing:: Family Fun

Worst part of racing:: Not finishing

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: sports

How did you get your start in racing:: My Dad

Year/Make/Model of car:: Trick

Car Owner:: My Dad Ron Taylor

Crew Chief:: My Dad Ron Taylor

Crew:: Ron Taylor,Taylor Joe Davis.Ronnie Taylor and Me

Sponsors:: RON TAYLOR DRYWALL PROFESSIONALS S&L Collectibles and special Thanks to Nick

Awards and Accomplishments:: Two Feature Wins ,Four second, One Third and One fourth

Racing Goals:: To have fun and do the best I can.