#10w Edward Weyrick

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Edward Weyrick

Car_Number: 10w

How did you decide on this car number:: lucky number

City:: Burlington, Iowa

Birthday:: may 09, 1987

Height:: 5'11

Hobbies:: racing, fishing, darts, hunting, family

E-Mail address:: edweyrick@yahoo.com

Web Site if you have one:: facebook, myspace

Favorite Food:: pizza

Family:: cassie- fiance, gregory- step son, jr -dad, lin - mom

Employer:: self employed

Job:: contractor

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: hobby stock

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: 34 Raceway, Donnellson, Bloomfield, Lebanon 1-44 speedway, mo., midway speedway lebanon, mo

Years in racing:: 1

Class you have raced:: none

Racing Hero:: dale earnhardt sr.

Best part of racing:: putting car on trailer in one piece, fans

Worst part of racing:: wrecking

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: fishing

How did you get your start in racing:: friends kicking my butt chris , and chad

Year/Make/Model of car:: 78 monte carlo

Car Owner:: ed weyrick or the woman lol

Crew Chief:: chris hartley

Crew:: jr , lin, art, chad , mike, cassie, ale, prego, gregory,

Sponsors:: roberts tire , danville state savings bank, advanced chiropratic, roederers pit stop, shannon conger, quincy tire , abs fire service,

Racing Goals:: to finish the season

What would you like to say to your fans:: see ya at the races and thank you

in memory of
doyle lyons 09
delories webb 09
steve hartley 92