#0 Jake Powers

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Jake Skyler Powers

Car_Number: 0

How did you decide on this car number:: Eddie Dieker

City:: Cheaterville aka Plainville, IL

Birthday:: 5/23/91

Height:: 5,12

Hobbies:: Racing and working on cars

Favorite Food:: Ice cream

Family:: no

Employer:: Ron's Tire

Job:: Change tires

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Hobby Stock

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Quincy full time, Lee county, 24 raceway, Maybe Hawk Eye Downs

Years in racing:: 4yrs

Class you have raced:: 91 ford escort, 84 regeal, and 94 chevy lumina

Racing Hero:: Smokey Yunick, Dad

Best part of racing:: Winning

Worst part of racing:: DNF

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: working on someones crew

How did you get your start in racing:: Dad

Year/Make/Model of car:: 94 Chevy Lumina

Car Owner:: Jerry Powers

Crew Chief:: Jerry Powers

Crew:: Dad, Brent, Chris

Sponsors:: Ron's Tire, Tim's Machine Shop, This Chix's Graphics, Colision Sollutins Inc.,Chapman Automotive, Autozone, Jerry'a Race Cars, VIbrator Chassis, Cheaterville Racing

Awards and Accomplishments:: 4rth in points hornets 05/ Rookie of the year 4rth in points 09 hobby stock

Racing Goals:: Win the points

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thanks for supporting us Racers. There wouldn't be racing if it wasn't for you guys.