#42 Justin Bartz

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Justin Bartz

Car_Number: 42

How did you decide on this car number:: i like that number for a long time and it fits next to my dads 43

City:: Quincy IL

Birthday:: 5/10/89

Height:: 5/7

Hobbies:: Racin, playin playstaion2 and 3, playin pool

E-Mail address:: bartman4273@yahoo.com

Favorite Food:: pizza, bbq, coke cola,

Family:: kelly (dad) nancy (mom) Joey, jacob, and johnathan (brothers)

Employer:: 9th street muffler

Job:: welder

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Hobby Stocks

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Just Quincy Raceways for now

Years in racing:: this will be my 3rd year

Class you have raced:: just hobby stock

Racing Hero:: my dad

Best part of racing:: havin fun in the front of the pack and my family bein there to see it

Worst part of racing:: crashin and payin for it

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: hangin out with friends and i would be always around racing its in my blood

How did you get your start in racing:: dad and grandparents

Year/Make/Model of car:: 1981 Cadillac

Car Owner:: Kelly Bartz& Joey Bartz & Me

Crew Chief:: Kelly Bartz

Crew:: Kelly, Joey, Grag, Alex,Randy,Dave Coon,Bear, Bert

Sponsors:: 9th Street Muffler,Discount Battary,Buck Trent at Gem City Ford, Extreme Engines

Awards and Accomplishments:: 2008 rookie of the year and 9th in points,4 out of 5 heat races in 2009

Racing Goals:: being more constant, get faster,hopefully win some races

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thank you for commin out and supportin all of us racers it is fun to do and we cant do this without u guys thanks