#33m Matt Messamaker

Driver Information
Name:: Matt Messamaker

Car_Number: 33m

How did you decide on this car number:: just liked it

City:: Centerville, Ia

Birthday:: 02/1979

Height:: 6'

Hobbies:: Racing and hunting

Favorite Food:: steak

Family:: Wife- Candis my baby girl Raegan

Employer:: Dynamic Vision

Job:: Driver

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Hobby Stock

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Memphis, Osky

Years in racing:: 6

Class you have raced:: Hobby, stock Cars, B-mod

Racing Hero:: ??????

Best part of racing:: Talking to other racers and the fans

Worst part of racing:: Wife telling me I spent to much on parts

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: Hanging out with my family

How did you get your start in racing:: Bought a race ready car off Kevin Tanner

Year/Make/Model of car:: 84 monty carlo

Car Owner:: My family

Crew Chief:: Dad

Crew:: Anybody that wants to help

Sponsors:: My family

Awards and Accomplishments:: got second last year at bloomfield and qualified both nights at fall challenge

Racing Goals:: Win a race and stay out of the wrecks

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thank you for coming to your local tracks and supporting them and all your favorite drivers. Without you there would be no need for racing. thank you for all your support. See you back at the track.