#3t Travis Hartman

Driver Information

Full_Name:: Travis Hartman

Car_Number: 3t

How did you decide on this car number:: my dads number was 3 when he raced so i added a t.

City:: Burlington, Iowa

Birthday:: September 10, 1988

Height:: 5'11

Hobbies:: Racing

Favorite Food:: Any meat

Family:: My dad ed, my mom bonnie, and little sister sarah

Employer:: Burlington Pepsi

Job:: Truckdriver

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Hobbystock

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: 34 raceway

Years in racing:: 3

Class you have raced:: hobbystock

Racing Hero:: Ricky Bobby

Best part of racing:: Hangen out with my dad and uncles in the pits

Worst part of racing:: Crashing

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: wishing i was racing

How did you get your start in racing:: Dave Cloke got me hooked

Year/Make/Model of car:: Early 90's cutlass

Car Owner:: ME

Crew Chief:: Ed Hartman

Crew:: Ed Hartman, Dan Helmick, Robert Patton, Dave Cloke

Racing Goals:: To get a feaure win

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thanks to everyone who has stuck behind me my friends my family and my fans. This is gonna be my year!!!!!