#4z Zach Harper

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Zach Harper

Car_Number: 4z

How did you decide on this car number:: It was on the car when we bought it!

City:: Ottumwa, IA

Birthday:: 5/29/96

Height:: 5 foot 7

Hobbies:: Racing, Basketball, and Hunting

E-Mail address:: harperzach20@yahoo.com

E-Mail address posted on page: YES OR NO: yes

Web Site if you have one:: none

Favorite Food:: Pizza

Family:: Mom, Dad, and two dogs and one cat

Employer:: Evans Middle School

Job:: School

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Micro Sprint

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Any where there is a race!

Years in racing:: 1st year

Class you have raced:: Just Micro Sprints

Racing Hero:: Sammy Swindell

Best part of racing:: Have fun

Worst part of racing:: Tearing up the car.

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: Basketball or Hunting