#12b Chase Breid

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Chase Breid

Car_Number: 12B

How did you decide on this car number:: 12 was my baseball number

City:: Madison, MO

Birthday:: 01/01/90

Height:: 5' 10"

Hobbies:: Hunting,Basketball,Firefighting, and College baseball

E-Mail address:: chaseher_12@hotmail.com

Favorite Food:: Spaghetti

Family:: David, and Tammy Breid or mom and dad

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: A-modified

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: 24 Raceway and where ever else i can go

Years in racing:: 6

Class you have raced:: Hobby Stocks

Racing Hero:: My dad

Best part of racing:: The sound and smell at the track

Worst part of racing:: Having to scramble to get the car ready at the track

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: Playing baseball

How did you get your start in racing:: Its been in the family for ever

Year/Make/Model of car:: Victory chassis

Car Owner:: David Breid

Crew Chief:: David Breid

Crew:: Dad, friends, and family

Sponsors:: County Bank, Wislons Hot Rod Shop, AutoZone, Shelter Insurance, and more

Awards and Accomplishments:: 2007 10th in hobbys, 2008 4th in hobbys, 2009 3rd in hobbys

Racing Goals:: To make it as far as I can