#71w Jeff Waterman

Driver Information

Full_Name:: Jeff Waterman

Car_Number: 71 W

How did you decide on this car number:: Crew Chiefed Gary Dreyer car # 8 7+1=8

City:: Quincy IL

Birthday:: August 14, 1961

Height:: 6' 1"

Hobbies:: Motorsports and hunting

E-Mail address:: jeff71@adams.net

Web Site if you have one:: www.outdoorpowerinc.com

Favorite Food:: Anything at Kelly's Tavern

Family:: Sandy my wife

Employer:: Outdoor Power Inc

Job:: service manger

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Mod

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Lee Co, Scotland Co. and 34

Years in racing:: 5

Class you have raced:: B modfied and modfied

Racing Hero:: Gary Dreyer

Best part of racing:: Finish night and drive on trailer

Worst part of racing:: Tore up car

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: Working on a car

How did you get your start in racing:: Crew chiefed car for 8 years

Year/Make/Model of car:: 2005 Skyrocket

Car Owner:: Jeff and Sandy Waterman

Crew Chief:: Bob Abbott

Crew:: Bob Abbott, Kim Abott, Sandy Waterman, and Sam Leslie

Sponsors:: Outdoor Power Inc., Amsoil, Arrowhead Bowl, Heintz electric, WCOY Radio, Pepsi, Cental Welding Supply

Awards and Accomplishments:: 2007 Track Championship Lee Co Speedway, Pepis Nationals 2006 &2007 Championship B Mod,

Racing Goals:: A Mod Championship somewhere

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thanks for being their on race night.