#13 Michael Browning

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Michael Browning

Car_Number: 13

How did you decide on this car number:: Nobody else uses it very often.

City:: Farmington, Ia by way of Edina, Mo

Birthday:: 8-15-72

Height:: 6.0

Hobbies:: Racing and shooting long range rifles. Boating and riding motorcycles.

E-Mail address:: michael.browning13@yahoo.com

Web Site if you have one:: 13 Browning Racing on Facebook

Favorite Food:: Steak

Family:: Wife Janet and three kids, Levi, Nieca, and Haley

Employer:: Browning Farms inc. and Creative Edge

Job:: Farmer and Manufacturing Specialist

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: A mod, B Mod, Stock Car

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Scotland County, Lee County, 24 Raceway

Years in racing:: 19

Class you have raced:: A mod, B mod, Stock Car

Racing Hero:: Richard Petty and Smokey Yunick

Best part of racing:: Winning and spending time with friends and family.

Worst part of racing:: Fixing my car because of somebody who thinks they can win on the first lap!

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: Helping someone else with their racecar.

How did you get your start in racing:: As a fan at age 5. Watching the races at Kirksville raceway.

Year/Make/Model of car:: 2009 Stewart A mod. 2004 FR-1 B mod. 2001 Schroeder stock car

Car Owner:: Sandy and Jim Browning

Crew Chief:: Jim Browning

Crew:: Rowdy Krouse, Donnie Poole, Bill Knowles, and anybody else that shows up!

Sponsors:: Browning Farms,Stick This Graphics, Knowles Automotive, Cole Construction and about 20 others!

Awards and Accomplishments:: Walking away from a hell of a wreck at Scotland County in 2001.

Racing Goals:: Winning some races this year.

What would you like to say to your fans:: You all have stuck with me over the years through the good and the bad and I have you all to thank for that. We aint' done yet and I hope your not either!!!