#51 Tyler VandeKamp

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Tyler VandeKamp

Car_Number: 51

How did you decide on this car number:: Days of Thunder

City:: Ankeny, IA

Birthday:: 12/19/1986

Height:: 70"

Hobbies:: Racing, Basketball, Bowling

E-Mail address:: T_Dawg93@hotmail.com

Favorite Food:: Pizza

Family:: Toby (Brother), Ron and Cindy (parents), Troy(brother), Tina(Sister)

Employer:: JR Motorsports

Job:: Shipping

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: A Modified

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Marshalltown Speedway, 34 Raceway, and select events throughout Iowa Missouri and Minnesota

Years in racing:: 5

Class you have raced:: A Mods

Racing Hero:: Doug Wolfgang

Best part of racing:: The competition

Worst part of racing:: The cost to be competitive

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: Bowling

How did you get your start in racing:: Brother got married and he let me give it a try.

Year/Make/Model of car:: 04 Victory

Car Owner:: Ron and Cindy VandeKamp

Crew Chief:: Ron

Crew:: Ron, Cindy, John, Craig, Larry, and Toby

Sponsors:: JR Motorsports

Awards and Accomplishments:: 2006 Eldon Raceway Rookie of the Year, 8th in 34 Raceway Points, 9th in Iowa State Fairgrounds points in 2009

Racing Goals:: Make the Harris Clash feature

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thanks for supporting racing and see you at the track.