#21 Wesley Mayfield

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Wesley Mayfield

Car_Number: 21

How did you decide on this car number:: lucky number 21

City:: hull,il

Birthday:: 09-25-69

Height:: 6.0

Hobbies:: music&racing

E-Mail address:: tazracer21@yahoo.com

Favorite Food:: chicken&steak

Family:: wife Brandy daughter Kayla

Employer:: self employed

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: stock car

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Quincy, Donnellson, Burlington

Years in racing:: 19 yrs

Class you have raced:: mods, hobbystock

Racing Hero:: rod uppinghouse

Best part of racing:: winning

Worst part of racing:: wrecking

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: playing music

How did you get your start in racing:: my dad

Year/Make/Model of car:: 2008 Dominator 96 monte carlo

Car Owner:: Brandy mayfield

Crew Chief:: Tony Anders

Crew:: Brandy, Tony, Ray, bobby, nathen, timmy

Sponsors:: GunFun Firearms, nicks barbershop, CWCmaintenance, SGLmotors, HerschelsLawn care, Autozone

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thanks for your support and hope see you all this season.