#69 William Michel

Driver Information
Full_Name:: William Michel

Car_Number: 69

How did you decide on this car number:: censored

City:: Farmington , Ia

Birthday:: 10/01/1964

Height:: 6'2"

Hobbies:: Hunting, Fishing, Racing

E-Mail address:: wmichel8824@yahoo.com

Favorite Food:: Italian

Family:: none

Employer:: Student/ self-employed

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: Wild thing/ 4-cyl

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Lee County,Scotland County, 34 Raceway,Benton County, Echo Valley

Years in racing:: 2 1/2

Class you have raced:: 4-cyl/ Pure stock at lime rock Ct.

Racing Hero:: Terry Labonte

Best part of racing:: Driving it back on the trailer in one piece

Worst part of racing:: coming in on the hook

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: Fishing

How did you get your start in racing:: Took my daily driver and turned it into a wild thing

Year/Make/Model of car:: !996 Nissan , 1993 Mitubushi

Car Owner:: me

Crew Chief:: Jerry Ostby

Crew:: jerry , myself

Sponsors:: Sunline Auto Parts, Chase Auto Parts, One Source Handling, L&B Trucking, Johns Food Mart

Awards and Accomplishments:: 6th in pts at 34 raceway, 7th at lee county on a partial schedule in first full season

Racing Goals:: top five in points, feature win

What would you like to say to your fans:: thanks for all your support