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CJ Speedway announces upcoming 2010 Season Awards Banquet 

COLUMBUS JUNCTION, IA (January 4, 2011) - CJ Speedway promoters have announced the date for the CJ Speedway (Columbus Junction, IA) 2010 Season Awards Banquet. 

The banquet will be held Saturday, January 29, 2011 at Tippsy’s Finish Line, Wapello, starting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the banquet will cost $10 per person and will include a meal and the cover charge for the band “Filthy Sanchez” playing from 9 pm to 1 am .  Tickets will be available at the door. If you would like to order a CJ Speedway T- shirt for pickup at the banquet  or for more ticket information email Amanda at tippsy2041@louisacomm.net or phone 563-260-1635.