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Lebanon Midway Announces Banquet Date

LEBANON, MO. (October 26) - The 2010 Banquet for the Lebanon Midway Speedway will be held on Sat November 6th at Andy's Catch Rest. in Lebanon with activities starting at 6PM.

This will include awards for the top 10 that compete on the Friday Night big track program and the Go-Karters that competed on the Sat Go-Kart Programs.

The Dinner will be Buffet and the cost is only $10 for Adults while Kids 5-10 is only $5.

Not only will the top 10 drivers be honored but also extra special awards will be presented.
Andy's Catch is located right off exit 130 on I-44.

The 2010 season Champions from the Friday Night Stockcar program include Tyson Troutman(Central Bank FactoryStocks) Michael Stake(Energy Company B-Modifieds),Joe Francis(Coldwell Banker StreetStocks), Kory Barker(PureStocks),Ben Newell(Rocky Ridge Construction Sportsman) and Little JC Newell(Midwest Modz).

To help planning for people please contact Jack or Dana Jones at 417-594-0594 to confirm how many will be attending.

To view the top 10 drivers you can visit the website at WWW.LebanonMidwaySpeedway.Com