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WEST LIBERTY, IA (May 9) - Drivers from every racing division at West Liberty Raceway will be heading toward the grandstand after they finish their individual heat races to collect donations on behalf of Dave, Tessa, and Baby Gracie Schrier, a late model driver (#100) whose family has had their share of misfortune the last couple of weeks.

Dave's father passed away this past Thursday with the funeral being held on Monday May 7th.

Their daughter Gracie, born with a heart defect underwent open-heart surgery on the following day, May 8th , at University Hospitals in Iowa City.

Baby Gracie is doing well and should be out in a couple weeks.

Racing families know how well they support each other in a time of need and West Liberty drivers should be commended in the amount of support and concern shown the Schrier family.

We look forward to Dave being back racing again at West Liberty Raceway in the future!